Eight years ago I was baptized into the Latter Day Saint (or Mormon) church. Did I magically feel like a new person once I left the baptismal font? No. Did I think I would? Oddly, yes. But looking back over the past years I can see a difference in myself. I went to a college I NEVER would have attended without joining the LDS church. There I made WoNdErFuL friends and met the man that I call my husband. With my faith I was able to get married in a temple of God and be sealed to my husband for all of eternity. (Not bad!?) I also have two beautiful children who get to be mine for all of eternity. I know the importance of family and my role in being a mother. I'd like to believe I am a happier person who enjoys being in the service of others just because I like to make them happy.
To keep this brief I'll just add that I know that Jesus is our Savior. If you allow Him into your life you'll be amazed at what blessings will come your way. My hope is that I can become an example of what a Christ like person is and show/share that with those I know.
Hello world!
1 week ago
That was a beautiful testimony (and experience). Thanks for sharing.
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