17 April 2009

Beast Feast

Every Spring the Purdue Wildlife Society has a special dinner called the "Beast Feast". We've never gone but we thought we should since this is Jesse's last year here. The dinner was held at one of the forestry buildings west of campus and town. Before we ate we went for a walk along the creek to let Rosalee enjoy the nice 70 degree sunshine.

Rosalee and Jesse playing before dinner
The food for the dinner was donated by various students from Jesse's school. They had goose, deer, duck, dove, squirrel, rabbit, salmon, and trout as the main dishes. Each one of the meat was prepared differently depending on who caught it and cooked it. We all agreed that the worst was the goose. They had 3 different goose dishes and all were nasty! Jesse and I thought the squirrel was weird but Rosalee LOVED it!! She kept asking for "more" and then fussed when we ran out. We all liked the plain roasted dove but Jesse and my favorite was a bacon wrapped jalapeno dove breast. At first I wasn't sure how I'd like it but I ended up eating 5 or 6 of them! My mom has an aviary full of doves and I'm half tempted to butcher some and make this dish again. We all liked the rabbit, but Rosalee kept asking for "more" until I told her she was "all done". Thankfully she didn't fuss when I wouldn't give her anymore. So we've determined that Rosalee's favorite meat dish was the squirrel leg, followed closely by the rabbit.

Rosalee is saying "cheese" but it makes it look like she's disgusted with what we're feeding her. She was eating roasted dove breast in this picture which she actually didn't mind. The second picture is of Jesse gnawing a squirrel leg.

I promise you I did NOT eat that! This was the rabbit they roasted... didn't waste time with cutting it, just gutted it and threw it on the grill.
Ah the things you do when your husband studies Wildlife in the Midwest...