25 April 2009

Dream stroller

Today I was reading a parenting magazine and I found
for our family!

Plus~ it has two seats (a must with 2 under 2), the seats can turn so both can look at the parent, look away from the parent, or look at each other, you can snap an infant car seat on it for convenience, and you can take out one of the seats for storage, shopping, etc., and it can hold kids up to 40 pounds. (With Rosalee we could use this for many, many years to come!)

Minus~ it costs over $200... even at Wal-Mart.

So if any of you find this stroller, or one very similar to it, please PLEASE let me know!


crystal said...

Ooooo, I want one too :)

Cali said...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but my friend has it and it is like pushing a limo. They look cool but they are hard to steer. It is also very long. It is also heavy. Sorry, but I don't wanted to give you my honest opinion. We have a Babytrend Sit and Stand. We got an upgrade with an optional seat in the back. It works well. It is a stroller and it does its job. We could put the car seat in it too. There is an attachment for the front or you can put it pretty securly on the bench in the back. (we prefered that way.) Anyways, I hope this helps! If all else fails you can go to babies-r-us and test drive them.

Marie said...

Good idea! I'm not sure why I never thought of going to a store and trying some strollers out. I'm glad you told me your honest opinion though. I'd rather be told that some people don't like something than go out and spend a lot of money on something I'll end up regretting.

Cali said...

Yeah, we seriously looked into getting this stroller too. It does look awesome. Oh, and make sure you test drive it with rosalee in it and a car seat. Or two toddlers. You get a better feel when it is more accurate in weight. If that makes any sense.