28 June 2008

Chateau James

We found a tiny house to call our own! Or at least it is ours for the next year that we'll be here in Lafayette. It's closer to downtown, but located in an older area with *gasp* hills and trees! We can almost pretend that we're not in the middle of Indiana surrounded by corn and soybeans. :) Two houses down there is a pair of red-tail hawks with a nest. When we looked at the house we could hear the babies crying out to their parents flying overhead. (Jesse is INSANELY excited to go bird watching.) As for the house it has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, linen and coat closet, dining room, living room, kitchen with laundry hook-ups next to the back door, a storage shed next to the driveway, and a nice little yard. It's slightly smaller than what we have now, but with the storage shed it'll be about the same amount of space. The best part is we only have to pay $535 a month! Woo hoo!!! Even with all of the utilities we'll pay our monthly bills will come out to what we pay for rent now. We feel VERY blessed to have been able to find this place so quickly and to have everything work out with it. We leave on Monday for vacation and then return on the 16th so we just figured it out in the nick of time! Our new lease will start on the 16th (that gives them time to finish cleaning the place) so we can start moving in as soon as we get home. We need to be out of this apartment by the 30th so we'll have 2 weeks to move. Today we started packing some boxes, taking pictures off the walls, etc. so it won't be quite the mad rush when we get home.

It looks weird because I took the picture from the road, which is at the bottom of the hill our house is located on. Ignore the boxes near the door- apparently the old tenants were PIGS and destroyed the place. Luckily for us this means new carpets, new kitchen flooring, new counter tops, and a new bathroom sink.

The backyard from our driveway. The little fence will be taken down (the old tenants had rabbits) and we have flowers to plant so it'll look different when we move in.


Michelle said...

Yay! I'm glad you guys found a place! Wahoo! That's a really good deal too!

crystal said...

Great! I'm so happy for you guys.

kayakdrama said...

That is soooo great! We know too well what it is like to plan to move to one place and how hard it is to have that hope taken away. This new house looks adorable. Have fun rolling down the hills!!!!

Melissa said...

Yah for your house, boo you won't be as close....still walking distance though. Let us know if you need help with the move!

Michele said...

What a cute little house! We can't wait to see you guys!

Michelle said...

This is my first time doing this, so we'll see how it goes. You've been tagged! Write 7 random facts about yourself, post them on your blog, and tag 7 other people by leaving a comment on their blog. Have Fun!