14 January 2010

Child like faith

In the scriptures we are told that "the natural man is an enemy to God... unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit... and becometh a saith through the atonement of Christ the Lord,
submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things... even as a child doth submit to his father."
Yesterday Rosalee and I were walking to the car to run some errands and she told me, "Mommy I want more snow." So I told her, "You pray to Heavenly Father and ask him to send you some." She said, "Okay" and proceeded to say a quick, grammatically incorrect prayer for "more fresh snow please".
Today I woke up to this-

Apparently I need to be more like Rosalee.

While eating a breakfast of strawberries I pointed outside and said, "Look Rosalee, Heavenly Father answered your prayer and make it snow!" Rosalee's response, "I know. He love me."
I guess I have A LOT to learn.


Little Yancey Family said...

Oh THAT's why it snowed again. We were wondering where that came from. :)