What do you do at 3:30am when your baby sounds like a barking dying seal? Head to the ER of course! I woke up this morning to the sound of a very sick baby. She was coughing like a seal, and then wheezing, with a very high temperature. We gave her some Tylenol and headed out to the hospital. By the time we got to the hospital her temperature went down to 101.7 so the nurse gave her some Motrin. She had her snot tested, got a chest and neck x-ray, got a steroid shot, and had a breathing treatment before we were able to leave. Thankfully she has a cold that turned into croup and not anything else on top of it. We were told to put her in a steamy bathroom once a day, have her sleep with a humidifier, and give her 2/3 of a teaspoon of steroids a day for 5 days. Fun times, fun times...
Hello world!
1 week ago
Mia woke up coughing last night.... Doesn't sound as bad as what Rosalee has, but we're keeping an eye on her. I think we'll put the vaporizer in her room tonight.
I hope Rosalee feels better real soon.
Sick babies are sure the worst. Abby has had a temp for over 5 days that was over 100 and has a cough and double ear infections. Like I said the worst! I hope Rosalee feels better soon.
We have all been sick here too. Ryan has a cough, runny/stuffy nose, not eating. Benjamin is a little congested. And I am finally getting over a horrible sore throat that made my ears hurt. Jacob had croup when he was a few months old. Not fun at all. He also had breathing treatments when he had bronchitis and pneumonia. He hated those treatments.
Croup is sucky - brynn had that. Just takes time, lack of sleep, and patience (which isn't easy when your little one is barking and obviously not feeling well!) Good luck - know that summer will be here soon enough and that means less sickness!
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