03 October 2008


Many people are impulse shoppers. I am not. I am however an impulsive person when it comes to odd things. Example a~ I get a flier in the mail about teaching English in a foreign country and I decide to move to Russia for 6 months. (Good ol' college!) I get crazy ideas in my brain and without much questioning, I do it. I figure if it isn't going to kill me, get me in legal trouble, or make people hate me, why not!? So here comes my latest impulsive decision. Yesterday I cut my hair. It was fairly short but I wanted it shorter! I've always wanted to have really short hair, but I usually chicken out. So yesterday I got my hair cut shorter than usual. Then I went home and became upset at myself for chickening out and not going as short as I originally planned. Normal people would sleep on it, play with their hair, etc. but not me. Nope. I got back in the car and drove back to the hair salon. I told the lady that I changed my mind and wanted it shorter. She said okay and proceeded to cut more off. I got home VERY happy with myself and the new hair style I have. Then I slept... I woke up and thought, "great googly moogly what have you done!?!?!?" I took several pictures and I look like a little boy in all of them. I think it looks cute in the mirror but on the camera I look male and 12ish. With a little bit of practice I'm hoping that I'll be able to make it look great. I also think with my highlights growing out I look like a calico cat so I see some brown hair dye in my near future. So here I am with short hair and let me know if being impulsive was a smart idea...

The side view of how it looked. When my hair gets to my shoulders I think it's too long.

This is angry Marie after the 1st hair cut. It's a cute hair cut but I was upset at myself for not going shorter.

Elf-like, but excited to have short hair! I'm still not sure why the hair stylist left the sideburns long and then styled my hair so my ears would stick out...

This is my "the baby is stirring so hurry and do that hair" style. I'll post a color shot once I dye my hair and figure out some cute ways to style it. So stay tuned!!


lindsey said...

yay! you did it! u r so brave! looks great!!!!!!!!!!!

Michele said...

It looks great. Can't wait to see pictures in color. You do have guts, I'm always afraid of going too short.

Melissa said...

You are really brave! I'm thinking about cutting my hair just above my shoulders. I don't know what to do yet. I do need to get it cut since it's getting too long again for me. It will have to wait though. Hope things are going good for you guys. Rosalee is so cute!!

Melissa said...

Lookin good.

jeremyand jessicapotter said...

good job on going back! I would have totally chickened out. It looks like it will be so much easier to do than long hair.

Anna said...

I love it Marie! I think that after a few times of doing it, you will get the hang of it, and it will be perfect. So, I have been wanting to chop my hair off too. I am the same as you, it hits my shoulders and it drives me nuts, and is always in a pony tail. I am afraid I won't be able to make it look cute. You have inspired me though. Hope you don't mind if I copy your bravery and impulsiveness and chop mine off too!

Charlene said...

You look way hot in this last picture! You are one hot mama! Work it, girl!

Anonymous said...