06 October 2008

11 months old

My monthly update on the world's happiest smiley baby!
*She can walk holding on to the couch or other furniture*
*She has no teeth*
*She weighs slightly over 19 pounds*
*She sleeps 11 hours at night* (One of my favorite facts!)
*She eats up to 8 jars of food a day... gets that from her dad. ;)*
*Wears mostly 9 month clothes, but some 12 month stuff*
*LOVES to be read to!*
*Laughs all the time, sometimes for NO reason*
*Cries when we take her out of the bath*
*Calls everyone under 3' tall "baby"*
*Drinks out of a cup without handles* (It has a lid, we're not that crazy!)
*Makes creative faces and sound effects*

"Hello everyone!!"

"Give me a kiss!"

She was laughing hysterically and I couldn't figure out why so I just took a picture

Chicken pox? Bruise!? Nope, marker! Jesse gives her his highlighter when he's doing homework to keep her busy and just today she learned how to take the lid off. Her hand is closed but the inside of her hand was ALL pink! So maybe next months list of developmental steps will include self made Picasso artistry.

Baby's first pumpkin goo, oh so squishy and fun!!
With her friends at the park


Mike said...

Such a cute baby! Glad to see everything is going well.

Samantha said...

These pictures are awesome. She's a cutie!! Sounds like she keeps you busy and happy!!