18 May 2008

Sick baby + sippy cup = smiles

Rosalee has been sick for the last past few days and she isn't getting any better. She has a fever every morning that is only solved by Tylenol and stripping her down to her diaper. She has a running nose and a nasty sounding cough that I'm hoping will go away soon. At first I thought she might be getting a tooth, but I think the cough suggests a cold. It just hurts me so much to see my little girl so unhappy. BUT I have found something to make her happy this weekend. Every time I take a drink from a cup she'll watch the cup as it goes to my mouth and then reach out for it. A few times I've let her drink some juice from my cup but she isn't strong enough to hold it by herself. She also makes quite a mess with a cup so I caved and bought a sippy cup. I gave her some watered down apple juice and she had a WONDERFUL time playing with the cup. When she'd actually get some of the juice in her mouth she'd get so excited! Rosalee would squeal, smile, and shake the cup with so much vigor. Most of the juice ended up on her bib, because of the squealing, but it made me happy to see her so happy.

PS- The orange on her cheeks is from the carrots that she enjoyed helping me feed herself.


Tyra Baird said...

You guys have the cutest little girl!!!!!! She is the perfect mix of the two of you. We loved the blog. We'll have to invite ya'll to our blog. We'll talk later.
love the bairds

Little Yancey Family said...

She's so cute! Jaden has the exact same kind of sippy cup. He loves it!

Melissa said...

What a big girl she is now. We'll be starting Mia on cereal soon. I'm sure it will be an adventure. :)