25 January 2011

Attempting to get caught up...

Sadly I'm at home from work today sick with bronchitis. I'm lying in bed wishing the nasty cough will stop with little to no energy to get out of bed. So I've decided to bust out the computer and wireless Internet so I can get all of my 2010 pictures up on the blog.
One day I was playing with Zeke and I realized how long is hair was getting. In the 14 months of his life he's NEVER had a haircut so I thought it was about time.

He's so cute but the hair needed to be trimmed.

Rosalee has SUCH a great smile! I couldn't leave her out.
So I got out the scissors and clippers and started working on Zeke's head. At first he just sat there and didn't care. I'd stop every now and then and give him a snack so he'd stay still. (I know food rewards are bad but I was desperate to get him to not move!) Once the treats stopped working I decided to give him a break so he could get his wiggles out.

After the first round of cutting. Notice the shaggy hair around his ears? I was scared to DEATH of cutting him so I left that part for last.

Cute Rosalee said that Zeke's puppy needed to have her picture taken.
After twenty or so minutes I went back to cutting Zeke's hair... this time he was less than enthused.

After many tears and wiggles his hair was FINALLY cut! As soon as he was let go he was just fine. I think he was more upset about having to stay still than having the razor on his head.

This is 14 months worth of hair.
I'm oddly shocked by how little hair came off of his head.

Before I could be done with the camera Rosalee said that Marie the kitty needed her picture taken too. I think my addiction is photography is rubbing off on her...