13 April 2008

Peas please

Rosalee has started to eat baby goo. She had her first bite Friday night and then some more this afternoon. We were nervous about starting her on baby goo before she turned 6 months old but for some reason we just felt like last Friday was the night to start. She enjoys her baby cereal, can sit up with minimal support, and is the age that solid food can be given.

We decided to start with peas and I thought she'd spit out the food right away or scream at us but it was the EXACT opposite! She took the first bite and then kept opening her mouth for more. The feeding suggestion articles I've read recommend giving the baby a teaspoon to start with, but she liked it so much we can her a whole tablespoon. Tonight we gave her slightly more and again she kept opening her mouth for more.
The batteries in my camera died so I wasn't able to take more than one picture and you can't really tell she's eating goo. I'll buy more batteries and take a picture when we introduce carrots... something nice and bright to accent the mess! :) For those of you who are wondering, yes, Jesse and I both tried the pea baby goo. The ingredients- sweet peas and water; the taste- not too shabby. I bet Jesse can't wait to try the veal baby goo or guava baby goo!


Mike said...

Wow, your baby is growing up fast and is soo cute! Looks like you guys have been staying busy and having a good time. :-)

The Webber's said...

Eating is such a fun but messy time! Brynn's always eaten more than the "expert recommended" amount - even now she eats 1-2 CUPS of cereal on top of real human food or baby food! She's always been an oinker! Hope she continues to like food in various flavors and textures! Good luck!